NW Pennsylvania WIC has been providing essential health and nutrition services that support families in our community for more than 40 years.
Start your healthy journey
with WIC today.
Join WIC today: Services are free—and it’s quick and easy to apply!

NW Pennsylvania WIC serves
residents of Crawford, Clarion,
Warren, Forest, Mercer and
Venango counties, specifically:
- Pregnant women
- Breastfeeding women up to one year postpartum
- Non-breastfeeding women up to six months postpartum
- Infants and children under 5 years old, including foster children
All eligible applicants must:
- Reside in Pennsylvania
- Have a medical or nutritional need
- Have a household gross income that does not exceed 185% of the US Poverty Income Guidelines (if you receive SNAP, MA or TANF, you may apply for WIC regardless of income)
To receive WIC support:
You must meet income requirements and have a medical or nutritional risk, which is determined at your WIC certification appointment. There are many qualifying risks, including anemia, being underweight or overweight, premature birth and pregnancy complications.
WIC income guidelines
Income eligibility standards are effective for certifying all new applicants and for re-certifying current participants at the time of their next certification. For each unborn infant, add one to the household size.
Current income guidelines for Healthy Beginnings (HB) and Healthy Beginnings Plus (HBP) are also listed, and WIC refers potentially eligible individuals to these programs. Please note that only the annual figure will be considered when calculating income. The monthly figure is just an approximate value.